MA- Education

Course Description

Course Description: MA Education Program at NTI Islamabad

The Master of Arts (MA) in Education program at NTI Islamabad is designed to provide advanced knowledge and skills in the field of education for professionals seeking to enhance their understanding of educational theory, research, and practice. This program offers a comprehensive curriculum that combines theoretical foundations with practical applications, preparing graduates for leadership roles in education and related fields.

Throughout the MA Education program, students will engage in a diverse range of courses covering key areas such as educational psychology, curriculum design and development, assessment and evaluation, educational leadership, research methods, and educational policy. These courses are taught by experienced faculty members who are experts in their respective fields, providing students with valuable insights and perspectives grounded in both theory and practice.

One of the distinguishing features of the MA Education program at NTI Islamabad is its focus on research and scholarly inquiry. Students will have the opportunity to conduct independent research projects under the guidance of faculty mentors, allowing them to deepen their understanding of educational issues and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the field.

In addition to coursework and research, students in the MA Education program may have the option to participate in internships or practicum experiences to gain hands-on experience in educational settings. These practical experiences provide students with valuable opportunities to apply their knowledge and skills in real-world contexts, preparing them for the challenges and opportunities of professional practice.

At NTI Islamabad, we are committed to fostering a supportive and inclusive learning environment that encourages critical thinking, creativity, and collaboration. Our MA Education program is designed to empower graduates with the competencies and confidence needed to excel as educational leaders, researchers, and practitioners.

Upon successful completion of the MA Education program, graduates will be well-prepared to pursue a variety of career paths in education, including roles in teaching, administration, curriculum development, educational policy, research, and advocacy. Whether aspiring to work in schools, colleges, universities, government agencies, non-profit organizations, or other educational settings, NTI Islamabad graduates are equipped to make a meaningful and lasting impact in the field of education.

MA- Education

Program Duration:      2 Years (4 Sem)

Number of Courses     18 + Teaching Practice + Research Thesis

Credit Hours       72

Program Code    044

Eligibility Criteria:

Candidate holding 2 years Bachelor’s Degree with at least 45% marks in Annual System (or 2.00 CGPA on the scale of 4.00 in semester system) are eligible to apply. Candidates need to appear in an interview conducted by the University.


Candidate’s holdings 2 years Bachelor’s degree/Associates degree in Education with at least 45% marks in Annual system or 2.00 CGPA on the scale of 4.00 in semester system are eligible to apply.

Program objective:

Our B.Ed (1.5 years) program will enable the prospective teacher to

  • Master Learner-centered and activities based teaching.
  • Change the traditional and obsolete type of teaching methodology with innovative instructional approaches.
  • Play active role in enhancement of literacy rate in the country.
  • Compete and contribute meaningfully in the field of education.
  • Address societal problems by thoughts and practices.


  • To utilize skills in the field of education, teaching and teacher training
  • To get the ability to work in groups and different social set ups
  • To understand and utilize the basic knowledge of educational philosophy, educational psychology, management, curriculum and evaluation, along with researches
  • To bring into practice the theoretical and conceptual knowledge
  • To express thoughts and ideas through oral, written, and modern means of communications.
Course Code Course Title Cr. Hrs. 18 Course Code Course Title Cr. Hrs. 18
ENG 101 Functional Communication 3-0 EDU 105 Foundations of Education 3-0
MA 111 General Mathematics and Statistics 3-0 EDU 101 Child Development 3-0
EDU 107 General Methods of Teaching 3-0 EDU 210 Teaching of Urdu 3-0
EDU 202 Development of Education in Pakistan 3-0 EDU 222 Teaching of Islamic Studies and Pakistan Studies 3-0
CS 101 Computer Literacy 02-Jan ENG 209 Academic Writing 3-0
EDU 110 Guidance and Counseling 3-0 EDU 326 Computer in Education 3-0
Course Code Course Title Cr. Hrs. 18 Course Code Course Title Cr. Hrs. 18
EDU 206 Classroom Management 3-0 EDU 425 Curriculum & Instruction 3-0
EDU 309 Educational Research 3-0 EDU 238 Art, Craft and Calligraphy 3-0
EDU 228 Teaching of English 3-0 EDU 234 School Community & Teachers 3-0
EDU 214 Teaching of General Science 3-0 EDU 230 Teaching of Mathematics 3-0
EDU 390 Observational Visits & Teaching Practice-I 0-6 EDU 224 Classroom Assessment 3-0
EDU 410 Educational Psychology (In lieu of RES 490) 3-0
RES 490 Research Project (In lieu of EDU 410) 0-3
Course Code Course Title Cr. Hrs. 18
EDU 412 Comparative Education 3-0
EDU 426 Teaching Strategies 3-0
EDU 218 Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Education 3-0
EDU 415 Teaching of Literacy Skills 3-0
EDU 490 Observational Visits & Teaching Practice-II 0-6

In pursuit of a vision you never fail to hear voices of doubt and disbelief. I want to thanks SUIT, Peshawar for furthering my ability to silence those voices both internal and external. I will always consider myself blessed and fortunate to have been able to experience that era of my life
Asma Bibi, Alumnus,
Department of Education